Tag Archives: Azure

Which AI Platform is the Best for Your Organization?

using ai search

Microsoft Copilot for 365 vs. Copilot Studio vs. Azure Open AI Studio Earlier this week, we heard from Modern Work leaders like Jeff Teper and others, releasing more news on Copilot for 365, Copilot Studio, and more at the Microsoft Build Conference! We came with one takeaway: the AI buzz is louder than ever.  Organizations […]

Deliver AI-powered Application Search with Azure Cognitive Search and BA Insight (Guest Blog)

AI with Auzre and BA Insight

Data is growing exponentially, and over 90% of data is unstructured1, creating a challenge for organizations to find and surface the right information to their customers. What organizations need is a solution that enables them to uncover latent insights from all their content by quickly identifying relevant information and meaningful patterns. Knowledge mining is a […]

Azure Cognitive Search – A Next Generation Platform for Enterprise Search

Azure Cognitive Search is a cloud search service with built-in AI capabilities that enrich all types of information to easily identify and explore relevant content at scale. It has a rich set of features, including instant scaling, AI integrations, and complete code flexibility, making it worthy of consideration beyond its initial developer focus. As a […]