Author Archives: Team BA Insight

Content Search Solution: 12 Reasons to Buy Instead of DIY

Woman at work using a content search solution.

When organizations are inundated with vast amounts of digital information, managing and accessing content has become a pivotal challenge, regardless of their scale. At the core of decision-making lies a crucial question: Should a company opt for a pre-built enterprise content search solution or embark on a journey to develop one internally?  Although the appeal […]

AI-Powered Vector Search: Unlocking the Future of Content Retrieval

Woman using vector search on laptop in office

Searching for something you need to get your job done can often feel like digging through an endless mountain of knowledge. Unfortunately, most searches rely on keyword matches, so you need to know exactly what you’re looking for to locate it quickly and efficiently. Without precise terminology, you waste countless hours unearthing irrelevant information. When […]