Search Diagnostics

Search Diagnostics focuses on the lowest rated interactions and queries during an ad-hoc time interval.

Unsuccessful Queries

A list of queries with the lowest rates of user click-throughs.

User Analytics

A list of users who have the lowest percentages of actions on content; such as clicking through, opening, editing, and sharing.

Query Quality

A list of the issues that occurred as queries were executed.

Search Quality

A list of the technical search issues including searches that return zero results, searches with low ranked click-through rates, slow searches (high latency), and time outs (service errors).

Popular User Actions

Popular user actions and sites based on user activity.

Query Grades

A grade for all of the specified queries, including the cause of the grade:

  1. Many more content actions then search actions, no issues.
  2. More content actions then search actions, with issues.
  3. Less content actions then search actions, no issues.
  4. Far less content actions then search actions, with issues.

Visits InsightsSearch Grades

A grade for all of the search operations, as these searches originate with queries and conclude with content operations:

  1. Many more content actions then search actions, no issues.
  2. More content actions then search actions, with issues.
  3. Less content actions then search actions, no issues.
  4. Far less content actions then search actions, with issues.