Portal Analytics

Portal Analytics focuses on user actions, visits, page loading times, and volume.

Visits Volume

Top sites based on visits count, visit activity over time and total number of visits. Information on the visitors is also provided, such as unique number of visitors, geolocation and top browsers.

Visits Duration

Allows evaluation of visits duration by site.

Page Visits

Shows the popularity of entry pages as well as visited pages from the site collection, characterized by page hit count, most frequent visitors and average page visit duration.

Page Load Time

Allows evaluation of load time for all pages in your site collection by parameters such as minimum, maximum, average and evolution over time.

Popular User Actions

Popular user actions and sites based on user activity.

Visits Insights

Shows the most active visitors of the portal, as well as the top departments visiting the portal and top locations from which the portal is visited. This set of analytics also displays total amount of visits and the average duration of a visit.