BA Insight for Egnyte
AI-Driven Enterprise Search Delivered within Leading Secure Content Platform Built Specifically for Business
Most IT Leaders are mired with internal complaints because knowledge workers can’t find what they’re looking for searching store-by-store. Not having the information they need prevents them from getting their jobs done and creates a poor employee experience.
Help your enterprise get a return on information. Give your teams an internet-like search capability so they can find what they need – turning frustrated employees into productive teams who can tap business knowledge just by asking.
Search that knows and adapts to each user
BAI’s SmartHub enables capabilities such as Natural Language Query, Bots, and Machine Learning-based recommendations for personalized information delivery within Egnyte and external content from all your enterprise systems.
Bring in content and intelligence from all your enterprise systems
All of our connectors are built on ConnectivityHub, our highly scalable, purpose-built platform for developing connectors. It provides easy to deploy connectors to many enterprise systems.
Automated Document Classification and Extraction Software
BA Insight’s AutoClassifier uses AI technology to bring intelligence to your organization’s content.It automatically analyzes, categorizes and tags your enterprise content, transforming it into a valuable business asset.
Easily embed intelligent search with Amazon Kendra into business applications
Purpose built applications that plug-in directly where your users already are. Deliver AI-driven search directly to users, whenever they need.
Users can seamlessly and securely access information from other enterprise systems in an internet-like manner.
Autoclassification provides integrated AI and rules-based tagging for high-quality metadata and a better search experience.
Provides a personalized, relevant, and mobile-ready search experience for all users.