OpenText Records Management LegalKEY Edition, often referred to as LegalKEY, provides a legal-centric approach to managing all electronic and physical records related to a client or matter.
OpenText LegalKEY has several capabilities that make it highly popular among law firms, such as:
- Legal-Centric and Highly Intuitive Attorney Desktop Interface
- Flexible and Powerful Records Policy Support
- Single system to manage both electronic and physical records
LegalKEY gives law firms a single interface for the comprehensive management of all electronic and physical information related to a client or matter, regardless of the source of origin or media type including email, images, electronic documents, voice mail, and facsimiles.
Many law firms take advantage of SharePoint as their knowledge management and enterprise search platform. Integrating OpenText LegalKEY with SharePoint, or any other portal, makes it easier for lawyers and other firm employees throughout the organization to find important information stored in LegalKEY without the need to directly log in and perform a separate search.
BA Insight offers a comprehensive portfolio of software focused on the legal market including, but not limited to, connectors for Aderant, iManage Work, Elite / 3E, LexisNexis InterAction, NetDocuments, PLC/Practical Law, ProLaw, and Thomson Reuters West km.
BA Insight’s OpenText LegalKEY Connector securely indexes both the full text and metadata of client and matter records in LegalKEY into the SharePoint and/or Azure search engine, enabling a single searchable result set across content from multiple repositories. This allows organizations to tap into the wealth of information accessible within LegalKEY, SharePoint and other repositories, making that data instantly actionable to users through search.
The LegalKEY Connector honors the security of the source application and provides both full and incremental crawls so the users have the latest information available to them all the time.

The BA Insight LegalKEY Connector provides full security and operates at high throughput to minimize crawl times while maintaining a low performance impact on LegalKEY. It only requires read access, and there is no need to install client software on any OpenText server. This results in seamless and simultaneous access to all content stored in OpenText LegalKEY.