PostgreSQL is a powerful, open source object-relational database system. It has more than 15 years of active development and a proven architecture that has earned it a strong reputation for reliability, data integrity, and correctness. It runs on all major operating systems including Linux, UNIX (AIX, BSD, HP-UX, macOS, Solaris), and Windows. It is fully ACID compliant, has full support for foreign keys, joins, views, triggers, and stored procedures (in multiple languages). It includes most SQL:2008 data types, including INTEGER, NUMERIC, BOOLEAN, CHAR, VARCHAR, DATE, INTERVAL, and TIMESTAMP. It also supports storage of binary large objects including pictures, sounds, or video. It has native programming interfaces for C/C++, Java, .Net, Perl, Python, Ruby, Tcl, ODBC, among others, and exceptional documentation.

An enterprise class database, PostgreSQL boasts sophisticated features such as Multi-Version Concurrency Control (MVCC), point in time recovery, tablespaces, asynchronous replication, nested transactions (savepoints), online/hot backups, a sophisticated query planner/optimizer, and write ahead logging for fault tolerance. It supports international character sets, multibyte character encodings, Unicode, and it is locale-aware for sorting, case-sensitivity, and formatting. It is highly scalable both in the sheer quantity of data it can manage and in the number of concurrent users it can accommodate. There are active PostgreSQL instances in production environments that manage many terabytes of data, as well as clusters managing petabytes.

BA Insight’s PostgreSQL Connector honors the security of the source database and provides full and incremental crawls so that users have the latest information available all of the time. It indexes content from PostgreSQL into various search platforms, surfacing it through BA Insight’s SmartHub to provide users with integrated search results.

PostgreSQL Indexing Connector for Search

BA Insight’s PostgreSQL Connector is built upon industry standard database access methods, so it can equally support databases from other systems such as Oracle, MySQL, and IBM DB2.

Our PostgreSQL Connector is standard, off-the-shelf software that addresses the following requirements:

  • Works with all types of data.
  • Works with custom tables, documents, attachments, and BLOB data.
  • Indexes every desired item with a very high throughput. Many SQL databases have millions of rows, making high throughput critical to the success of the implementation.
  • Minimizes the impact on the source system through views or stored procedures as necessary, ensuring no impact to its performance.
  • Only surfaces the content that users are permitted to see, even if the security configuration is custom designed.
  • The source system retains the master information and the search index has only a representation (pointers). If applicable to the database being crawled, users click on a search result and are taken to their original item or document.

Future-proof Your Investment

As new versions of the search platforms are released, new features and functionality are introduced, and the same is true of new releases of PostgreSQL. BA Insight takes on the burden of keeping the connector up to date for both PostgreSQL and the respective search engines. The upgrades are easy to do and can be done by your IT organization. It is simply a matter of accessing the BA Insight customer portal, downloading the latest release, and installing and configuring it. If desired, our professional services team can handle the upgrades.

Platforms Supported:

  • Amazon Kendra
  • Amazon OpenSearch Service
  • Azure Cognitive Search
  • Elasticsearch
  • Microsoft Search
  • SharePoint Online
  • SharePoint On-Premise
  • Solr

Drive Organizational Productivity

By connecting PostgreSQL databases to your preferred search engine, you increase adoption of your intranet, improving organizational efficiency and productivity.